My mom had
suffered from lung cancer for quite a long time. This had in turn left our
family in a lot of uncontrolled stress. Well from time to time tension built up
in the house because we didn’t have control over the situation. We felt
vulnerable and being that we lacked professional advice mom’s condition was
taking a toll on us every single day.
For my dad
things even grew worse, watching someone that he had spent almost all his
entire life with was in fact taking him through very rough patches. From time
to time we would find him coiled up in his study room sometimes he would remain
in his bedroom for the greater part of the day, we were worried sick about the
whole thing, and while I had my young family to live up for, my parent’s
condition became a point of great concern
One time however
when we had taken my mom for the frequent checkup and medication, mom’s doctor
pulled us aside. Together with my brother the doctor talked us into finding
ideal counselling sessions for my dad. According to what the doctor suggested,
a support group would have done great for both our parents as they would mingle
with people who were going through similar situations like them.
It was at this
point that he referred us to one great counselling program for cancer patients
at the Brisbane Counselling Centre. When we visited the place, we had the time
to talk with some of the professional counselors that we met.
From our
observation the patients that were already receiving the Brisbane CounsellingCentre services were in fact enjoying the whole process. In addition to that
taking our time to talk with other made us to realize that this was the best
place for my parents. Together with the experience that our counselors had we
finally decided to talk our parents into joining the whole program.
From the
beginning my dad seemed quite reluctant to join the whole thing. But for mommy,
well mommy was ready to get any help that she could lay her hands onto. So in
the first month my mom started going for the counseling sessions alone, later
on my dad faced his greatest fear and in turn joined his love for the sessions.
Today it’s close to a year now and my parent’s
relationship has virtually improved. There is no more tension in the home, and
come to think of it my mom’s health is one to envy.
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